Email: [email protected]
Website: www.allyandnicholas.com
Blog: www.allyandnicholas.com/blog/
We’re Ally + Nicholas. We’re two humans who fell in love with each other + this life. We’re best friends, husband + wife, people loving, relationship building, taco obsessed, lovers of all things happy, wing + Thai night loving, day dreaming yogis who love to be cozy but also travel + adventure seekers who love to dance + are addicted to Harry Potter + good tv/cinema. We are obsessed with the incredible people in our lives + love that each year new inspiring souls come into it. We are storytellers of connection. The people we meet, the connections we make and the love we are fortunate enough to capture is why we love our work so much.
Photography Genre: Wedding & Lifestyle
Hometown: Barrie, ON & Sudbury, ON
Resides: Niagara-on-the-Lake
Career Highlight #1: Winning Top 30 Under 30 In Canada
Career Highlight #2: Booking Our First International Wedding
Career Highlight #3: Being able to be full-time photographers together & meet so many inspiring souls
BlackRapid product of choice: Double Breathe Strap
Age you took your first photo? We both loved cameras since we were kids. We were both 8 when we started loving cameras using our parent’s polaroid cameras and buying disposable cameras with our allowance/birthday money. We always had cameras like Fuji and Luminex when we were kids capturing our lives, friends and travels. When Ally was 20 she purcahsed a Canon Rebel and started to take photography more seriously until she purchased her first true professional grade equipment in 2013 purchasing Canon 6D, 70-200 mm f/2.8 Canon lens and a 35mm f/1.4 Canon lens. From there we both contiinued purchasing professional grade equipment as our business grew.
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? Ally always wanted to be a professional photographer. The dream became even more strong once she turned 13 and got her first video camera and Fuji camera. She always loved being an artist. She thought she wanted to be a director but quickly realized she preferred taking photos. Nick always knew he wanted to be an artist in some way. He loved acting, singing and performing. He became a successful model and actor which gave him great experience being on the other side of the camera. Once he met Ally who had a passion for photography, he started being taking photos as opposed to being the subject. He naturally transitioned to a photogarpher even though he still models.His past and knowledge of modeling gives him a great perspective on shooting.
Who inspires you? Each oher as well as our couples ,connection, the people we get to meet and the people we love. Cinema greatly inspires us also
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? Canon 5D Mark III
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be…. Robin Williams
What do you do when not taking photos? We love watching a good series or movie. Cinematography really inspires us. If we aren’t taking photos, we’re also doing yoga, dancing, being active, traveling, learning, cooking and baking, going on adventures and spending time with the people we love
Favorite place on earth? Thailand
One piece of advice for someone at the beginning stages of their photography career? Never stop learning. Believe in yourself. If you want this bad enough, always push and challenge yourself. Never stop making goals and meeting them. And be a good human. Be kind, be humble and work hard.Never lose sight of why you love photography and why you started. For us, its the people, so that’s what we focus on every single day.
How do you “Live The Moment”? We focus on the present. We make plans for the future but we take life day by day and see where it takes us.