Email: [email protected]
Website: http://joaocarlosphoto.com
At the age of five, João expressed his innate interest in creating when he asked his parents for a camera for Christmas. Upon receiving a box like toy camera, he kindly thanked them but gave it back, pointing out that it did not have a flash and wanted a real one. Though he expressed this interest in having a ‘real’ camera at the age of five, João’s artistic explorations began with painting and fine arts which led him to study at Ar.co Institute of Art and Visual Communication in Lisbon, Portugal.
João ran and co-owned a production house, Milkman Studio, in Lisbon for seven years from 2002, which catered to the needs of both large and small clients from the advertising, fashion and music sectors. His work has also extended into video, both as director and director of photography and has worked on numerous music videos and television commercials in both Europe, the USA and Africa.
Winner of the Hasselblad Masters Award, João’s client list includes advertising agencies, magazines, fashion apparel, and beauty companies such as Nike, Avon, Pfizer, Staples, HP, Vodaphone, Barclays Bank, Ogilvy, Mccan Erickson, Universal Music, Emi Records, Wella Hair, Schwarzkopf Hair, Thevi Cosmetics, Merhon Make up, Infiniti, and Sandisk.
In João’s continuing role as a guest speaker, he has been invited to speak at many prestigious events over the last decade including the Hasselblad stage, Sandisk stage and Koylab at Photokina in Germany, Hasselblad Studio opening in London, Hasselblad, FOCUS events in Columbia and Brazil, BES Art and Finance, Petcha Kutcha Lisbon and IADE Creative University He has been a speaker for Sandisk at MWC 2014 \ 2015 \2013, Computex 2013 Sandisk Taipei. He has spoken at Salon da Foto Paris and at the World Photographers Cup in France WPPA Asia 2014.
Photography Genre: advertising fashion beauty portrait
Hometown: New York
Resides: Lisbon Portugal
Career Highlight #1: Hasselblad Masters winner 2010
Career Highlight #2: communication arts award of excellence
Career Highlight #3: QEP Fashion 2015
Favorite BLACKRAPID product: Cross shot breathe , Sport Breathe
Age you took your first photo? What camera did you use? Age 5 , grand mothers Polaroid
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? I have always been an artist , some form or another of the arts has always been in my life , I was in camera club in high school , then in collage I studied fine arts , at the end of my first year I switched my major to photography.
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? Fuji XT2 AND GFX50S
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be… Pablo Picasso , Salvador Dali , Jesus Christ , Elvis , Obama, Cristiano Ronaldo, Senna I could go on for days.
What do you do when not taking photos? Traveling and spending time with family and friends but I always have a camera with me
Favorite place on earth? I travel so much , I have to say home , Lisbon .
One piece of advice for someone at the beginning stages of their photography career? get a business degree or some kind of business education . Don’t believe everyone who will say thats impossible or you will never be able to do this or that . Turn around and say watch me.
How do you “Live The Moment”? some little big moments should be lived and not via camera or screen. Like at a concert enjoy the music put your phones down.