Email: [email protected]
Website: www.kevinrcwilson.com
NYC based photographer working in the music industry. My work has been seen in coutless magazines, music albums, DVD covers and product ads. I’ve been blessed to find a niche market which allows me to just be myself and having musicians find me because of the work I produce.
BlackRapid product of choice: The BlackRapid double strap for sure!
Hometown: Baltimore, MD
Resides: New York City
Career Highlight #1: Having my work mentioned in Rolling Stone
Career Highlight #2: Seeing my work on the covers of magazines
Career Highlight #3: Working on a personal level with some of the top bands that I grew up listening to.
Favorite place on earth? Costa Rica
Age you took your first photo? What camera did you use? To the point of what sparked major interest, early 20s.
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? I’m really critical on my own work and feel weird calling myself a “professional”. Probably within the past 5 years when people started hiring me and buying prints I realized this was something that was more than a hobby.
Who inspires you? Bob Gruen, Mick Rock, Jerry Schatzberg, Pennie Smith, Danny Clinch
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? I shoot Nikon and Leica
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be… The Beatles (past). The Stones (alive)
What do you do when not taking photos? Hanging out with my wife and pug.
How do you “Live The Moment”? Always be up for a challenge and say yes to new ideas.