Website: www.sophiegateau.com
Email:[email protected]
Sophie Gateau is a multi-disciplinary Parisian artist who explores space and design from the perspective of an architect, art historian, graphic designer, photographer and filmmaker. Gateau began her filmmaking career creating visually stunning live action films for fashion runways and has since worked as a commercial and music video director, as well as a graphic artist on top-tier films including The Matrix Reloaded and Wong Kar Wai’s 2046. She’s currently developing some photographic work about the cycling community.
Photography Genre: Film director / Misc photography (mostly bike photography)
BlackRapid product of choice: Sport Breathe
Hometown: Paris, France
Resides: Paris, France
Career Highlight #1: 2007 : being selected for “The Shoot New Directors Showcase” in New York, New York and identified as a “Directors to Watch” by Boards Magazine
Career Highlight #2: 2009 : being part of the exhibition “Super 8”, Scion Gallery, Los Angeles
Career Highlight #3: having a short movie screened at the Sundance Film Festival
Favorite place on earth? So many places, cannot pick one.
Age you took your first photo? What camera did you use? When I was a teenager, I found the old camera of my father, a Canon F1 from the 70s and started to play with it.
When did you realize that you wanted to be a professional photographer? I work mostly in the film industry as a director. Once, I was shooting a music video for a band, and taking pictures on the side. When the band asked me if they could use one of my images for the cover of their next LP, I realized I should consider it more seriously.
Who inspires you? The work of Robert Frank, Josef Koudelka and Saul Leiter made me fall in love with photography. I also admire the work of Todd Hido and Tamas Dezso.
What camera do you use to capture most of your work? I use a Canon 5dMarkII mostly and a Panasonic Lumix GX80 when taking pictures while riding a bike.
If I could photograph anyone in the world, alive or deceased, it would be… It would be a crowd. When people gather, the emotions are here.
What do you do when not taking photos? I’m training so I can keep up while taking pictures on my bike.
One piece of advice for someone at the beginning stages of their photography career? Work, experiment and don’t give up.
How do you “Live The Moment”? Go for it.