Jaylynn Nash
Photography by Jaylynn: Sports and Brands/Lifestyle Photographer
I’m a female professional sports photographer for over seven years, featured in ESPN, Forbes, Sports Illustrated, NHL, and originally from South Dakota (aka, a state with no pro sports).
Do you have a good tip to share with us?
Always be open to growing, learning, watching and listening.
Little Girl’s Dream, Turned Into a Mural
One of the goals, what I thought as more of an unattainable dream at the time, I made for myself when I first started covering professional sports at the age of nineteen was to shoot directly for a pro team by a certain age.
By the age of 24 (I am 26 now), I had surpassed my goal by shooting for the NHL Carolina Hurricanes during the 2019 Playoffs. While on assignment I had captured a once quiet arena with little fans to a now ear hurting decibels packed arena with fuzzy rally towels (also with my images on them).
That simplistic image of a packed icebox was then blown up into a welcoming mural in the Raleigh-Durham Airport along with billboards and home art. At a time where everything is digital the rarity of your work printed to that mass of size is a blessing.
Adding everything together this little girl’s dream was taken, multiplied, nurtured, and expanded to horizons she never knew existed. A moment captured in time I will never forget and am truly thankful for.
What is in your bag?
My bag is stacked. Some of the items I have a are:
- Double AND single harness BLACKRAPID straps
- Canon 1 DX Mark III, II and 7D Mark II
- Assortment of lenses ranging from 300 f2.8, 70-200 f2.8, 24-70 f2.8, fish eye
- Extender
- Business cards
- Hand warmers
- Lotion
- Expired sunflower seeds (they expire right?)
- Hockey tape
- A poker chip from a clients 50th birthday party (that I did not even go too).
Follow Jaylynn Nash
Instagram – instagram.com/photography_by_jaylynn/
Website – jaylynnnash.com

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